People high fiving in a meeting room
Join HKU, Join the World

With 71.4% non-local professoriate and academic staff, our faculty is as diverse as our student body. When you join HKU, you’ll have the chance to study abroad with one of our 421 exchange partners in 49 destinations – no wonder we were ranked one of the Most International Universities in the World! 

Hands holding a globe

SEE the World with HKU Exchanges

  • Experience the world beyond Hong Kong's borders with our 421 exchange partners in 49 destinations!
  • Spend a semester or two at Cambridge, Oxford, MIT, Princeton, Yale  or one of hundreds more of our university partners.
Suchir Mital

I’m grateful that I got to go on exchange to Italy with HKU. It allowed me to experience one of Europe’s best business schools, leave my comfort zone, live in another country, and meet people from all over the world. Studying in two diverse locations took me out of my comfort zone! I learnt about both local and international cultures, which helped me grow as a global citizen. I’ve no doubt that the experience will benefit me for life.

Suchir Mital, Class of 2021
Bachelor of Business Administration
Students of different nationalities are chatting in Chi Wah Learning Common

CUSTOMISE Your Programme

  • Choose the subjects that inspire you and create your own study path!
  • Enjoy the freedom to from different disciplines.
  • Explore 55 leading programmes with 100+ majors.
Friska Claudia

When I came to HKU, my dream was to be a scientist. However, the flexible curriculum broadened my horizons and I took finance as a second major. A variety of internships meant my learning continued outside of the classroom and prepared me for the real world. After four years of mixing and matching courses, my interest in finance triumphed over science. I now happily work as a consultant at McKinsey & Company.

Friska Claudia, Class of 2016
Bachelor of Science
Girl with futuristic device pointing up

TRANSFORM Ideas Into Reality

  • Test your skills in our exciting international hackathons and competitions!
  • Incubate your ideas at ᰭ’s innovation and entrepreneurship hub, .


Kyle Leung

The people I met at HKU helped to shape me as a person and an entrepreneur. In 2018, I founded Gööp, a campus social network that connects university students. My start-up was supported by iDendron, ᰭ’s innovation and entrepreneurship hub, and the team members were very supportive from the beginning. I am truly thankful to them for their intelligence, diligence and creativity.

Kyle Leung, Class of 2019
Bachelor of Business Administration