HKU offers me the knowledge and experience that creates promising career prospects 

Evelyn Kim, a receipt of the HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International Students, believes that her university life, brightened up by fruitful exchange and internship experiences, is a stepping stone to promising career prospects. 

"The past four years have been so fulfilling and have prepared me to step out to the real world. I have never regretted studying in Hong Kong, a global financial centre, as I aspire to pursue a career in the finance industry. As Hong Kong is a prime location for financial services and home to many financial institutions, coupled with the fact that HKU is the top institution in HK, I am convinced that I will be equipped with the knowledge and experience required to start a successful career." 

Evelyn says exchange is one of the best parts of her university life. She joined the China Business and Economics Programme at Fudan University in 2018. "I conducted research about the 'Go Global' policy and 'One Belt One Road' and presented about China's strategies of Outward and Forward Direct Investments, financial investment, and currencies, equipping me with the foundation to understand the financial system of China." 

After graduation, she works at Citibank as an analyst. "The knowledge that I have gained from my core course allowed me to have a good foundation while working as an intern, while the diverse internship experiences I had, especially in consulting, asset management, and sell-side banks during my university life, has given me a clear direction in my future career." 

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