Setting sail with a clear goal

In the four and a half years at HKU, not only did I grasp the knowledge that every professor was eager to transfer but the many priceless opportunities that the university has offered me. As a freshman, I joined AIESEC and went on a six-week trip to Turkey for international cultural exchange and voluntary teaching. In Year 2, I had my first internship at a start-up company where I was encouraged by the founder to participate in HKU’s newly launched entrepreneurship competition – DreamCatchers. Never had I imagined my team would make it to the Top 20 Awards!

I was fortunate to have founded my own start-up in Year 3 and be taken in as an intern in different investment banks and consultancy firms which enabled me to identify my career path. The best reward I got from HKU is the clear direction where I should be headed in the future. After all, university is always the place for self exploration and HKU is definitely the best place for that!

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