Leverage my collaborative and practical thinking skills to generate innovative ideas

“Under HKU's flexible curriculum, I am constantly challenged to leverage my collaborative and practical thinking skills to generate innovative ideas while working smartly.” Says Frankline (First Year, Kenya), studying the Big Data-oriented Data Science and Engineering programme at HKU.

Although Frankline is only in his first year at HKU, he has already discovered ample enriching opportunities that make his university experience meaningful. “This year, I joined more than five student clubs and societies, which greatly aided my transition into university life. Once upon a time, I was the quiet kid in the corner, but I realised I needed to express myself better for my building diversity and connections in the community. Building my first robot code from scratch in the HKU ASTAR club convinced me that what I am learning is applicable in the real world. Being a member of the Chess club team has exposed me to healthy competition and increased my awareness of how uncertain life can be.

The collaborative, incubating, and supportive entrepreneurship community at HKU promises me a fluid environment where I can find people with whom I can share STEM-related interests and innovate. I am also enrolled in the iDendron Entrepreneurship program, which has provided me with invaluable knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, such as the legal procedures required to obtain an idea's intellectual property or patent. I look forward to starting my own business in the Big-data field in the future!”

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